We have one single issue currently with the way the server operates, EVERYTHING is run through chat.
911 Calls are ignored
GME's are missed
Tweet/Facebook/Twitch/Anon messages are missed
staff announcements are missed
OOC is constantly spammed
Chat goes TOO FAST, we clear it all the time
Add a phone, add Twitter/Yellow Pages/Anonymous chat's/IRC etc, this instantly pulls the focus away from chat for EVERYTHING, it's all locked into a phone that people access for this information, then keeping chat clear for Staff Announcements/OOC
991 Announcements, Maybe push these to the phone as well? or keep them to the chat, but this will allow for LEO to monitor calls without constantly ignoring them, as being honest they're incredibly hard to monitor/keep track of....
ALLOW FOR THE CHAT TO BE SIZED up/down, the chat text is incredibly large...either lower the size, or allow us to modify
Potentially remove OOC chat, or allow for private messages/texting/calling in-game, and maybe keep OOC for staff interactions only, so keep them separate, if chat = ooc, keep it to that person+staff, if 911, keep to LEO etc
How will LEO respond to GME's/Tweets etc? Falconeye Monitoring, allows for all LEO to "snoop" by services provided by FBI/DHS/CIA/NSA so we can monitor the locations necessary, probably best to use "IRC/MIRC" for all illegal activity